We have accomplished much
– and are doing more
Manshausen was once an important trading post for fishermen. Today the island is a scenic gem, and we have made great improvements to its facilities.
Our most important focus is ensuring that every visitor to Manshausen has a wonderful experience and a broad range of exciting adventures to choose from. We also believe that the great variety of people visiting us provides the best atmosphere.
Going forward, we have two important priorities. Firstly, we want our operations to be as environmentally friendly as possible. This means using local ingredients whenever possible, and letting you contribute to harvesting the nearby waters, as well as foraging on land. Our clear goal is to show our respect for our magnificent natural surroundings by minimising our footprint. This means striving to be fully electric and carbon-neutral.
Our second priority is to contribute to the local community, which from Day One has been very welcoming and wonderfully supportive. We are grateful and proud to be a part of it. In the years ahead, we aim to contribute to making sure that Nordskot and Steigen remain a good place to live – and a great place to visit.