Our Sea Cabins and facilities
There are 16 buildings on Manshausen.
Nine of these are the Sea Cabins that attract appreciative visitors. Each cabin has its own pristine view that enhances your scenic experience.
In addition there is the Main House (Hovedhuset), with our Restaurant and Library. Our New Boathouse (Nynaustet) contains our conference facilities.
Other facilities on the island include a hot tub and a sauna, living quarters for Manshausen’s host couple, and a service building.
The sea cabins
We have seven Sea Cabins and two new Sea Towers with a unique design that has won 40 architectural awards! A good description is “Compact Living”, meaning the focus is on comfort, calm minimalism, and an unobstructed view that virtually brings the magnificent scenery right inside.
The Sea Towers will be awailable from June.
The restaurant
The Main House (Hovedhuset) is at the heart of our island, physically as well as functionally. This is where you meet others, whether in the library, kitchen or restaurant. All meals are served here, and you can drop by anytime for a chat and a coffee, to get information, or to have a drink in the evening after your day’s adventures.
Frans Josef Land
The meeting room
In the New Boathouse (Nynaustet) you will find our meeting room, a conference facility that seats up to 30 people.
The kayak shed
Sauna & Hot tub
You don’t have to go elsewhere to experience the great outdoors. The island of Manshausen spans 14 acres, inviting you to explore.